Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc.
904 - 30th Street North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
(205) 323-2877
(800) 326-3038
fax (205) 323-6411
Monday - Friday
7am - 5pm CST
Copyright © 2024 Metro Trailer Repair Co., Inc.
done our best to ensure that all of the
information contained on
this page is factual and accurate. However, we
do make mistakes and
apologize for any typographical errors. All of
the information printed
was based on the latest product information
available at the time of
publication. Photos may show optional
equipment, which is not a
standard item on a particular unit. Freedom
Trailers reserves the right
to make changes at any time in prices, colors,
materials, equipment,
specifications and models and to discontinue
models without notice or